Acupressure Wristband for Nausea Control

Based on the principles of acupressure, the Sea-Band wrist bands are a clinically proven drug free alternative treatment for the control of nausea and vomiting associated with anesthesia and chemotherapy. They can be used on their own or in combination with antiemetic drugs. Sea-Band has no contra-indications and no side effects.
A plastic stud incorporated into the nausea band exerts pressure on the P6 acupuncture point situated on the wrist. Pressure on this point is known to relieve nausea and vomiting. The patient simply wears the pair of wrist bands for as long as needed.
Post-Operative Nausea
If placed on the patient before surgery, or afterwards in recovery, Sea-Band can prevent the onset of nausea and vomiting. It is particularly useful in day-surgery for patients experiencing continued nausea.
Nausea Associated With Chemotherapy
Patients undergoing chemotherapy can wear Sea-Bands to control anticipatory nausea as well as nausea induced by chemotherapy drugs. They can wear the bands for the duration of the treatment both in hospital and at home.
Using Sea-Band
Simple to use, Sea-Band does not need specialist handling. Care should be taken however to position the nausea bands according to the instructions provided with the product. They become effective within 5 minutes even if nausea has already started. They can be worn continuously.
Sea-Band is made of mixed fibres and does not contain latex. It is soft, comfortable and fits all wrist sizes.
Sea-Band can be re-used. Wash in a gentle cycle. No special storage conditions needed. Shelf-life unlimited.
Travel Sickness
Canova G. Sea-Band Trial in Motion Sickness – Hospital San Carlo Borromeo. Italy (1990)
Hu S, Stritzel R, Chandler A, Stern RM, P6 acupressure reduces symptoms of vection-induced motion sickness. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine 1995 July;66(7):631-4
Stern RM, Jokerst MD, Muth ER, Hollis C, Acupressure relieves the symptoms of motion sickness and reduces abnormal gastric activity. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2001 July-Aug;7(4):91-4
Stannard D. Pressure prevents nausea. Nursing Times, December 1989.
Morning Sickness
Werntoft E, Dykes AK. Effect of acupressure on nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. A randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2001 Sep;46(9):835-9
Steele NM, French J, Gatherer-Boyles J, Newman S, Leclaire S. Effect of acupressure by Sea-Bands on nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing 2001 Jan-Feb;30(1):61-70
Smith C, Crowther C, Beilby J. Acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Birth March 2002; 29(1):1-9
Smith C, Crowther C, Beilby J. Pregnancy outcome following women’s participation in a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2002 June;10(2):78-83
For further study references contact Sea-Band Ltd
Ballatori E, Roila F, Ruggeri B, Betti M, Sarti S, Soru G, Cruciani G, Di Maio M, Andrea B, Deuson RR. The impact of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting on health-related quality of life. Supportive Care in Cancer 2006 Aug 29 [Epub ahead of print]
Klein J, Griffiths P. Acupressure for nausea and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. British Journal of Community Nursing 2004;9(9):383-7
Ezzo JM, Richardson MA, Vickers A, Allen C, Dibble SL, Issell BF, Lao L, Pearl M, Ramirez G, Roscoe JA, Shen J, Shivnan JC, Streitberger K, Treish I, Zhang G. Acupuncture-point stimulation for chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting.
Dundee JW, Yang J. Prolongation of the antiemetic action of P6 acupuncture by acupressure in patients having cancer chemotherapy. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1990;83:360-2
For further study references contact Sea-Band Ltd
Post Operative
Lee A, Done ML, Stimulation of the wrist acupuncture point P6 for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004;(3):CD003281
Dundee JW, Chestnutt WN, Ghaly RG, Lynas AG. Traditional Chinese acupuncture:a potentially useful anti-emetic? BMJ 1986 Sep 6;293:583-4
Dundee JW, Ghaly RG, Bill KM, Chestnutt WN, Fitzpatrick KT, Lynas AG. Effect of stimulation of the P6 anti-emetic point on post-operative nausea and vomiting. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1989 Nov;63:612-8
Barsoum G, Perry EP, Fraser IA. Post-operative nausea is relieved by acupressure. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1990 Feb;83(2):86-9
Wang SM, Kain ZN. P6 acupoint injections are as effective as droperidol in controlling early postoperative nausea and vomiting in children. Anesthesiology 2002 Aug;97(2):359-66
Kovacs FM, Gotzens V, Garcia A, garcia F, Mufraggi N, Prandi D, Setoain J, San Roman F. Experimental Study on Radioactive Pathways of Hypodermically Injected Technetium-99m. J Nucl Med 1992; 33:403-407
- Tags: Chemotherapy Nausea